How To: Turn your doorbell into a guard dog alarm
This video shows you how to make a security device out of a door bell. The concept is that most thefts happen when people are away from home. To make sure of this the thief rings the door bell to make sure that nobody is home, if nobody answers then they will break in. A lot of people have dogs and alarm systems which will scare off the thieves, but this alarm system combines both. To make this devise you have to buy a speaker system that connects to your door bell. When the door bell rings it triggers the speaker, which triggers an audio recording from the PC that is connected to the speaker. The audio recording is of a barking dog, So if a thief rings the door bell he will hear a dog barking and run off. If I where to do this, I would make it sound like people were in the house so the thief would think actual people were there. Please enable JavaScript to watch this video.
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Guard Dog Burglar Alarm | KipkayVideos
Turn your doorbell into a vicious guard dog burglar alarm! Get the parts to make your own on Check out my 'secret' classic videos:
Doorbell « Wonder How To
How to stop Dog Anxiety, Aggression, Pulling on the leash! German Shepherd Training Full tutorial - Duration: 20:10. Upstate Canine Academy 538,557 views Guard Dog: Alexa Skills
A guard dog, or a watchdog, is trained to protect your property and your family. Contrary to what you might think, most guard dogs are not taught to attack. Rather, they are taught non-confrontational techniques, such as how to stand guard and how to use their bark to alert you of a stranger or potential danger on your property.
Connect the two wires from the relay to your two contacts on your doorbell. Connect the output of the Wireless Receiver to your stereo system. Connect a 9 V battery to the recording module and your Guard Dog Burglar Alarm is finished! When the doorbell is pressed, the recording module will playback the sound effect and send it to your stereo
Guard Dog Burglar Alarm - YouTube
To make sure of this the thief rings the door bell to make sure that nobody is home, if nobody answers then they will break in. A lot of people have dogs and alarm systems which will scare off the thieves, but this alarm system combines both. To make this devise you have to buy a speaker system that connects to your door bell.
Guard Dog Burglar Alarm!: 6 Steps (with Pictures)
Guard Dog can help deter criminals by playing dog barking, growling, and snarling sounds while you're away. Burglars will likely avoid your home if they hear angry dogs inside. To have Guard Dog guard, just say "Alexa, tell Guard Dog to Guard". Guard Dog can also give you peace of mind by barking and growling for short periods on demand.
how to turn a sweet dog into a guard dog? | Yahoo Answers
How To : Turn your doorbell into a guard dog alarm This video shows you how to make a security device out of a door bell. The concept is that most thefts happen when people are away from home.
Edward Snowden Now Helps You Turn Your Phone into a "Guard Dog"
How to Turn your doorbell into a guard dog alarm « Hacks
You never want to try to teach your dog guard or protection work on your own. All you will achieve is creating a very unstable dog that has learned to attack anyone that comes near. This is especially true for dogs with a history of abuse. Your dog is already unstable with the shy and timid behavior.
3 Ways to Train a Guard Dog - wikiHow
Turn your doorbell into a vicious guard dog burglar alarm! Get the parts to make your own on
Edward Snowden, the NSA Whistleblower Now Helps You Turn Your Cheap Android Phone into a "Guard Dog" for Physical Security
How to Turn a Fearful dog into a Protection Dog - YouTube
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